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Grade XII (Meanings into Words Unit 6-10)

 Meanings into Words (Class 12, Note)

Meanings into Words


Class: XII (Science / Management / Education/ Arts)


Unit: 6

Q. Change the following sentences into indirect speech.

1. ‘I’m from Melbourne.’

He said that he was from Melbourne.

2. ‘I like it here.’

He said that he liked it there.

3. ‘I don’t earn much money.’

He said that he didn’t earn much money.

4. ‘I’ve got a cousin in America.’

He said that he had got a cousin in America.

5. ‘I’ll be staying in New York for a month.’

He said that he would be staying in New York for a month.

6. ‘I’ll go to Canada too if I have time.’

He said that he would go to Canada too if he had time.

7. ‘I’ve been to all art galleries in London.’

He said that he had been to all art galleries in London.

8. ‘I’ve been sleeping in friend’s flat’

He said that he had been sleeping in friend’s flat.

Q. Report these remarks made by ministers.

1. ‘We are going to do all we can to help industry.’

He said that they were going to do all they could to help industry.

2. ‘Unemployment figures have been falling for several months.’

He said that unemployment figures had been falling for several months.

3. ‘The last government didn’t do anything about unemployment.’

He said that the last government hadn’t done anything about unemployment.

4. ‘These proposals are being considered carefully.’

He said that those proposals were being considered very carefully.

5. ‘Things won’t get better unless we work together.’

He said that things wouldn’t get better unless they worked together.

6. ‘I fully support the Prime Minister’s views.’

He said that he fully supported the Prime Minister’s view.

7. ‘I am sure we will win the next election.’

He said that he was sure they would win the next election.

8. ‘I can’t say any more until I have talked to the Prime Minister.’

He said that he couldn’t say any more until he had talked to the Prime Minister.                   

Q. Choose appropriate verb from the list, report the remarks below. Begins with the words given.

Admit, explain, assure, deny, point out, claim, insist, warn, accuse.

1. ‘You are under no obligation to buy the drill if you don’t like it.’

The salesman assured Mr. Lock that he was no under obligation to buy the drill if he didn’t like it.

2. ‘I don’t want the drill, because it doesn’t work.’

Mr Lock explained that he didn’t want the drill.

3. ‘The same drill can be bought locally for £ 10 less.’

Mr Lock pointed out that the same drill could be bought locally for £ 10 less.

4. ‘You broke the drill by using wrongly, and you still owe us £ 45.’

Bargain Electrics claimed that he had broken the drill by using it wrongly, and that he still owed them £ 45.

5. ‘I didn’t break the drill”

Mr Lock denied that he had broken the drill.

6. ‘The drill reached you in perfect condition.’

The Managing Director insisted that the drill had reached him in perfect condition.

7. ‘If you do not pay the balance within seven days, we will have to take legal action.’

The Managing director warned him that if he didn’t pay the balance within seven days, they would have to take the legal action.

8. ‘You are interfering in a private matter.’

The Sales Manager accused them of interfering in a private matter.

9. “Mr. Lock has been right all along – the drill was wrongly assembled in the factory.

The Managing director admitted that Mr. Lock had been right all along and that the drill had been wrongly assembled in the factory.


Unit: 7

7.1. Must, Can’t, May/Might


Must  =  I am sure

               Sub + must + V1 + Obj.

Can’t = I am Sure + not

                Sub + can’t + V1 + Obj.

May/might = Perhaps

               Sub + may/Might +V1 + Obj.

Perhaps + not

May not/Might not

Change the sentences below using must, can’t may/might

1. I’m sure he is working.

He must be working.

2. Perhaps he is going to ask me.

He might be going to ask me.

3. I’m sure he is not French.

He can’t be French.

4. I’m sure they stole the money.

They must have stolen the money.

5. Perhaps he was listening.

He might have been listening.

6. I’m sure she was not at work.

She can’t have been at work.

7. Perhaps he went home.

He might have gone home.

8. Perhaps she is not coming.

She might not be coming.

9. I’m sure they weren’t camping.

They can’t have been camping.

10. Perhaps they haven’t finished.

They might not have finished.

11. Perhaps he was tired.      

He might have been tired.

12. I’m sure she was feeling ill.

She must have been feeling ill.

13. I’m sure the snow’s melted.

The snow must have melted.

14. I’m sure they haven’t been waiting long.

They can’t have been waiting long.


Unit: 8

8.1 Good and Bad Effects Choose verbs from the list and write sentences which have been the same meaning as those below. Begin with the words given.

Allow, enable, encourage, force, stop, prevent, discourage, save, make it easier, make it more difficult

1.      When they took the drug, it was more difficult for them to think rationally.

The drug made it more difficult them to think rationally.

2.      When they took the drug, they didn’t worry about the future.

The drug stopped them to worry about the future.

3.      When they took the drug they were able to forget all their problems.

The drug enabled them to forget all their problems.

4.      When they took the drug they could relax and enjoy themselves more easily.

The drug made it easier them to relax and enjoy themselves more easily.

5.      Although there was a shortage of food, people still wanted to take the drug.

Even the food shortage didn’t discourage them from taking the drug.

6.      Because of the economic crisis, the government had to take some decisive action.

The economic crisis forced the government to take some decisive action.

7.      After the new law was introduced, people still took the drug.

The new law didn’t prevent them from taking the drug.

8.      After the new law was introduced, people wanted to take the drug even more.

The new law encouraged them to take the drug even more.

9.      When the drug was exported, the Islanders didn’t have to work more than one day a week.

Exporting the drug saved the Islander from having to work more than one day a week.

10.  When the drug was exported, they were able to sit in the sun all; day long.

This allowed them to sit in the sun all day long.

8.4.   Course of action.

Q. Change the suggestions below using ought to, ought not to, might as swill or there is no point in.


            Ought to = it should be done.

            Ought not to = it shouldn’t be done.

            Might as well = it is better to do but not compulsion.

            There is no point in = it is useless to do.

[Sub + ought to/ought not to/ might as well + V1 + object. ] we need not to put second sentence.

[There is no point in + V4 + obj]

1. Don’t take your children to see that film – it will frighten them.

You ought not to take your children to see that film.

2.  Let’s not sell it – it’s not worth anything anyway.

There is no point in selling it.

3. Why don’t we give it away – it is not worth anything anyway.

We might as well give it away.

4. Don’t ask him – he doesn’t speak English.

There is no point in asking him.

5. Why don’t you take a pullover – you have got plenty of room in your case.

You might as will take a pullover.

6. Why don’t you take a pullover – it might turn cold.

You ought to take a pullover.

7. Let's not talk about it now – the children are listening.

We ought not to talk about it now.

8. Let’s not argue about nit now – that won’t solve the problem.

There is no point in arguing about it.


Unit: 9

Change the questions below to information questions.

Structure:  [ Wh-word + common name + aux +sub + verb + obj?]

1. Are you having tomato/chicken/mushroom soup today?

            What soup are we having today?

2. Was it raining/foggy/ cold when you were in London?

            How was the weather when you were in London?

3. Are you planning to use your father’s car/Tony’s car/my car?

            Whose car are you planning to use?

4. Are you going to boil/fry/scramble those eggs?

            How are you cooking those eggs? /What are you going to do with those eggs?

5. Is it 500 miles/1000 miles/a long way is London from here?

            How far is London from here?

6. Would you like to do manual/office/outdoor work?

            What kind of work would you like to do?

7. Are you there four/five /six of you?

            How many of you are there?

8. I hear he has hurt his leg. Has he broken/bruised/cut it/

            What has he done to his leg?

9. Are you Margaret’s cousin/brother/nephew?

            What is the relation between you and Margaret?

10. Is the cinema opposite/next to/round the corner from the station?

            Where is the cinema from the station? /What direction is the cinema from the station?

11. Have you given away/sold/burnt my old football boots?

            What have you done with my old football boots?

12. Did you use half inch/one-inch/three-quarter-inch screws?

            What size screw did you use?

Q. Look at the set of words below, and (a) decide what each set has in common (b) ask the information question about it?


1.      arson/blackmail/assault

a) Crime                       b) What crime did he commit?

 2. stew/grill/roast

            a) way of cooking        b) How shall I cook the meat?

  3. major/sergeant/corporal   

            a) rank                         b) What rank was he promoted to?

4.   primary/grammar/comprehensive

            a) kind of school         b) What kind of school they are at?

5. Ford/Volkswagen/Citroen

            a) brand of car             b) What kind of car are you buying?

6. rubber/leather/plastic

            a) material                    b) What material is used in your shoes?

7. A4/foolscape/quarto

            a) size of paper                        b) What size of paper do you want?

8. Crimson/scarlet/maroon

            a) shade of red colour  b) What shade of red is in her dress?

9. rare/medium/ well done

            a) Way of doing          b) How would you like your steak done?

10. A/B/C

            a) grade                        b) What grade did he get in the test?

9.3   Indirect questions

Rewrite the following questions into indirect forms. Begin with the words given.

1. What time did you wake up this morning? Can you remember……….

Can you remember what time you woke up this morning?

2. How much do colour TVs costs these days? Have you any idea……………..

Have you any idea how much colour TVs cost these days?

3. What time does the film starts? I wonder………………..

I wonder what time the film starts.

4. Was he alone? Did you notice………………..

Did you notice if he had been alone.

5. When are they getting married? I am longing to know…………………….

I am longing to know when they are getting married.

6. Did I lock the front door? Do you remember………………………….

Do you remember if I locked the front door?

7. Has the train left? Have you found out the………………….

Have you found out the train has left?

8. What colour curtains did they buy?

Do you know what colour curtains they bought?

Correct the statements below.

1)      Charles Dickens was born in Stratford-on-Avon.

It wasn't Charles Dickens who was born in Stratford-on-Avon. It was Shakespeare.

2)      Doctors look after your teeth.

It isn't doctors that look after your teeth. It's dentists.

3)      Marco Polo discovered America.

It wasn't Marco Polo who discovered America. It was Columbus.

4)      The sun causes the tides.

It isn't the sun that causes the tides. It's the moon.

5)      Democracy started in Italy.

It wasn't in Italy where democracy started. It was in Athens.

6)      Agatha Christie wrote the James Bond stories.

It wasn't Agatha Christie who wrote the James Bond stories. It was Ian Flemming.

7)      India has the largest population in the world.

It isn't India that has the largest population in the world. It's China.

8)      Martin Luther King was assassinated in Dallas.

It wasn't Martin Luther King who was assassinated in Dallas. It was John F. Kennedy.


Unit: 10

Q. For each of the following situations, make sentences with I wish/if only, using a) would, b) could, c) the past tense.

            1. It is raining.

                        I wish someone would give me an umbrella.

                        I wish I could buy a rain coat.

                        I wish it was sunny.

            2. You are lonely

                        I wish someone would come to help me.

                        I wish I could contact my friend.

                        I wish I were with some friends.

            3. You are ill in bed.

                        I wish someone would bring me some medicine.

                        I wish I could go to the hospital.

                        I wish I was healthy.

            4. Your car has broken down.

                        I wish someone would come to help me.

                        I wish I could repair it myself.

                        I wish I had anew car.

            5. You are short of money.

                        I wish someone would lend me some money.

                        I wish I could earn enough money.

                        I wish I was wealthy.

Q. What might you regret in these situations, using I wish../If only.. or I shouldn’t ..?

1. You are suffering from sunstroke.

            I wish I had taken an umbrella with me.

            I shouldn’t have stayed in the sun.

2. War has suddenly broken out and you’re stuck in your hotel room.

            I wish I had stayed at home.

            I shouldn’t have come here.

3. Your house has burnt down.

            I wish I had called the fire brigade.

            I shouldn’t have left the burning candle.

4. You feel seasick.

            I wish I hade travelled by Plane.

            I shouldn’t have travelled by the ship.

5. You are short of sleep.

            I Wish I had gone to bed earlier.

            I shouldn’t have watched the film all night.

6. Someone has just refused to marry you.

            I wish I had not proposed her.

            I shouldn’t have liked her.

7. You are stuck half way up a mountain in fog.

            I wish I had listened to the weather forecast.

            I shouldn’t have climbed in this season.


I am very happy and so grateful to take the name of Dr. Ramesh Adhikari. It is possible to keep all the notes within this very short period because of his creation of the blog. I took support from there to help the students of grade XII who are at the door of the examination.


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