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Unit 9: History and Culture (Class 10) Part I


Unit 9: History and Culture

Reading I (page 138)

Pratap Malla

A. Complete the following sentences with the correct words from the text.

a. Queen Rajendra Laxmi ruled the country as a ………… because her son Rana Bahadur Shah was too young.

b. Many buildings were ………… as they were destroyed by the earthquake.

c. Many temples had their ………… made of gold.

d. As the original trophy was stolen, they made the exact ………… of it.

e. Madhav Prasad Ghimire was ………… the title 'Rastrakavi' in 2003.

f. The government ………… Jhamak Kumari Ghimire for her contribution to Nepali literature.

g. The British soldiers tried to ………… Nepal but the brave Nepali people chased them away.


a. Queen Rajendra Laxmi ruled the country as a regent because her son Rana Bahadur Shah was too young.

b. Many buildings were renovated as they were renovated as they were destroyed by the earthquake.

c. Many temples had their pinnacles made of gold.

d. As the original trophy was stolen, they made the exact replica of it.

e. Madhav Prasad Ghimire was conferred the title 'Rastrakavi' in 2003.

f. The government patronised Jhamak Kumari Ghimire for her contribution to Nepali literature.

g. The British soldiers tried to invade Nepal but the brave Nepali people chased them away.


B. Choose the best alternative.

a. Why did Pratap Malla keep his father in jail?

i. Pratap Malla was insane.

ii. Pratap Malla wanted to be the king soon.

iii. Pratap Malla's father was insane.

iv. Pratap Malla had no experience of administration.

b. What made Kantipur a strong state during Pratap Mallais reign?

i. Pratap Malla's bravery

ii. Pratap Malla's diplomacy

iii. Pratap Malla's love for poetry

iv. Pratap Malla's love for art and culture

c. Which of the following was not renovated by Pratap Malla?

i. Pashupatinath

ii. Temple of Taleju

iii. Temple of Degutale

iv. Temple of Budhanilkantha

d. According to the text, which of the following did not happen during Pratap Malla's reign?

i. Trade with India and China

ii. Promotion of art and culture

iii. Invasion of Kantipur

iv. Presence of learned men at the palace


a. Why did Pratap Malla keep his father in jail?

iii. Pratap Malla's father was insane.

b. What made Kantipur a strong state during Pratap Mallais reign?

ii. Pratap Malla's diplomacy

c. Which of the following was not renovated by Pratap Malla?

iv. Temple of Budhanilkantha

d. According to the text, which of the following did not happen during Pratap Malla's reign?

iii. Invasion of Kantipur


C. Answer these questions.

a. Name two countries that had trade with Kantipur.

b. How did Pratap Malla keep his kingdom safe from Lalitpur and Bhaktapur?

c. Where did Pratap Malla place the image of Lord Hanuman? Why?

d. Pratap Malla conferred himself with the title 'Kabeendral. Do you think this title suit him? Give reasons.

d. Pratap Malla conferred himself with the title 'Kabeendral. Do you think this title suit him? Give reasons.

e. Pratap Malla used to invite the intellectuals at his palace. What does this indicate about his personality as a king?


a. Two countries that had trade with Kantipur during Pratap Malla's reign were India and China.

b. Pratap Malla kept his kingdom safe from Lalitpur and Bhaktapur by using a tactic of making the kings of Lalitpur and Bhaktapur play against each other. He sometimes sided with Bhaktapur and posed a threat to Lalitpur, and on other occasions, he aligned with Lalitpur and fell upon Bhaktapur.

c. Pratap Malla placed the image of Lord Hanuman by the side of his palace gate, and he called the palace Hanumandhoka. He did this to ward off evils.

d. Pratap Malla conferred himself with the title 'Kabeendra,' a king of poets. This title suits him as he was a vastly

d. Pratap Malla conferred himself with the title 'Kabeendra,' a king of poets. This title suits him as he was a vastly learned king, and a poet. He could compose poems in Sanskrit, Nepal Bhasa, Nepali, Bengali, and Hindi.

e. Pratap Malla used to invite intellectuals to his palace. This indicates that he was a personality as a king who respected and patronized the scholars of his time. He was interested in learning and promoting art and literature.


D. Pratap Malla contributed a lot to Nepali culture during his reign. Can you name some of them which still exist?


Pratap Malla made significant contributions to Nepali culture during his reign. Some of his contributions that still exist today include:

- A beautiful temple Guhyeshwari was built and fanced it.

- The renovation of the Pashupatinath Temple and the raise of a pinnacle over it.

-The construction of various temples and structures at Swayambhu, including Pratappur and Kabeendrapur.

-The renovation of the temples of Basuki Bhimsen, Taleju, and Degutale

-The erection of an image of Hanuman, the monkey god, by the side of his palace gate.

- The construction of Sundari Chowk and Mohan Chowk inside the palace.

- A pond was dug at Bhandarkhal and filled with water brought from Budhanilkantha.

- The installation of an image of Narayan lying in the pond, which was an exact replica from the Budhanilakantha Temple.


Grammar I

A. Find the second part of each sentence. Then, change each verb into the correct form.

a. The alarm (go)                                                      i. Brinda (reply) her.

b. As soon as the teacher (ask) the question         ii. while Trishna (sleep).

c. I (do) my homework                                            iii. we (see) the sun shining brightly.

d. When the doors (open)                                        iv. when the telephone (ring).

e. When we (wake)                                                  v. the audience (rush) into the stadium.


a. The alarm (go) ii. while Trishna (sleep).

The alarm went while Trishna was sleeping.

b. As soon as the teacher (ask) the question i. Brinda (reply) her.

As soon as the the teacher asked the questions, Brinda replied her.

c. I (do) my homework iv. when the telephone (ring).

I was doing my homework when the telephone rang.

d. When the doors (open) v. the audience (rush) into the stadium.

When the doors opened, the audience rushed into the stadium.

e. When we (wake) iii. we (see) the sun shining brightly.

When we woke, we saw the sun shinning brightly.


B. Complete the sentences. Write in the correct form of the verb.

a. When I ……… (arrive) home, my dad ……… (prepare) snacks for me.

b. That day, when we ……… (leave) home, the sky ……… (be) overcast and it ……… (drizzle).

c. Last week, we ……… (book) a hotel online. The hotel ……… (be) really wonderful. The staff ……… (stand) at the gate to welcome us when we ……… (reach) there.

d. ……… (the children/sleep) when you ……… (reach) home that night?

e. Something very strange ……… (happen) on my way home yesterday. I ……… (walk) along the way. Suddenly, I ……… (see) my grandfather following me. But he had died a year ago.

f. We ……… (travel) to Chitwan when the police stopped us on the way. According to them, there ……… (be) a bomb there. So, we ……… (have) to wait for an hour.


a. When I arrived home, my dad was preparing snacks for me.

b. That day, when we left home, the sky was overcast and it was drizzling.

c. Last week, we booked a hotel online. The hotel was really wonderful. The staff were standing at the gate to welcome us when we reached there.

d. Were the children sleeping when you reached home that night?

e. Something very strange happened on my way home yesterday. I was walking along the way. Suddenly, I saw my grandfather following me. But he had died a year ago.

f. We were traveling to Chitwan when the police stopped us on the way. According to them, there was a bomb there. So, we had to wait for an hour.

C. Make sentences using the words given in the brackets. Use the correct forms of the verbs: simple past or past continuous.

a. It/ begin to snow while we/ return/ home.

b. Kamal/ fall off while he/ play on the verandah.

c. Amit/ wait for me/ when I/ reach the station.

d. Simran/ take my photos while I/ not look at the camera.

e. What/ you do/ yesterday when I/ call you?

f. I break the glass/ while I/ wash it.

g. The teacher enter the class/ while some students/ dance in the class.

h. I find the lost purse/ while I/ clean the room.

i. Dipisha finish her homework/ while her brother/ watch TV.


a. It began to snow while we were returning home.

b. Kamal fell off while he was playing on the verandah.

c. Amit was waiting for me when I reached the station.

d. Simran took my photos while I was not looking at the camera.

e. What were you doing yesterday when I called you?

f. I broke the glass while I was washing it.

g. The teacher entered the class while some students were dancing in the class.

h. I found the lost purse while I was cleaning the room.

i. Dipisha finished her homework while her brother was watching TV.


Writing I

A. Study the events below. These are the major events that happened in the history of Nepal from 2017 B.S. to 2046 B.S. Write a couple of paragraphs about Nepal's journey from Panchayat to Multiparty Democracy.


Nepal's journey from Panchayat to Multiparty Democracy

From Panchayat to multiparty democracy, Nepal's transition was an extended and difficult one. It all began on January 1st, 2017, when King Mahendra held control of the country, fired the elected government, suspended the legislature, locked up the prime minister and other cabinet members, outlawed political parties and activities, and suspended the constitution. On the 22nd of Poush in 2017, the King announced the party less authoritarian Panchayat System, which lasted for almost three decades. While Nepal experienced some relative stability during this time, it was stained by corruption, abuses of human rights, and repression of dissent.

King Birendra declared a referendum in 2036 to decide whether to construct a multiparty democracy or keep the Panchayat System in place. The majority of voters chose a multiparty democracy in the election that was held on Baishak 20, 2037. However, the King did not put the decision into effect, and Nepal remained under the Panchayat System for an additional five years.

A nonviolent civil disobedience movement against the Panchayat System was started in 2042, and it was led by a number of political parties, civil society organizations, and student organizations. The movement was originally put down, but as it grew in strength, the government was compelled to make some adjustments. The mass movement officially began on the 7th of Falgun, 2046, and persisted for a few weeks before the King decided to reinstate the multiparty system on the 26th of Chaitra, 2046.

An important turning point in Nepal's history was the return of multiparty democracy. It brought about a time of political liberation, human liberties, and economic expansion. The long and difficult transition from Panchayat to multiparty democracy in Nepal was a monument to the people's tenacity and will to realize their hopes for a better future.


B. Some people think studying history is just a waste of time while others think that it is essential. What do you think of these ideas? Write your opinion in about 200 words.


There are many ways to approach the subject of studying history, and viewpoints on its worth are also diverse. Some people believe that history is a pointless subject that has no bearing on our daily lives or future employment opportunities.

However, others view it as a vital area of research that aids in comprehending the past, present, and future.

It is impossible to stress how important learning history is. It aids in our comprehension of how civilizations and cultures changed over time, how disputes were settled, and how ideas and beliefs affected people's daily lives. It also enables us to spot trends and steer clear of making the same mistakes twice.

Additionally, history gives us a sense of self and community. It helps us understand our heritage and cultural values and establishes a connection with our forefathers. It can also motivate us by demonstrating how people and cultures overcame challenges to accomplish great things.

While some may contend that knowledge of history is not necessary for various occupations, it can nonetheless offer insightful information that may not be immediately evident. For instance, learning from the history of medicine can provide insightful lessons that can be used in present-day medical study and practice.

In conclusion, studying history is far from a waste of time. It is an essential subject helps us to know and understand the world around us and our place in it. It provides us with valuable insights and knowledge that can help us in many ways, both in our personal and professional lives.

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