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Class 7 (Unit 15) Part I

 Unit 15 (Part I)

Getting started

A. Look at the pictures. Give examples of may/might or must.

Example: The bulls may/might/must fight.

B. Listen and sing.
Of all the children in my school,
I may not be the tallest.
Of all the voices in the world,
Mine may be the smallest.
But I can almost touch the stars,
If I stand on my toes.
And soon my words might change the world,
So, you'd better listen close.

Answer the questions.
a. Is the speaker a student?
b. When can the speaker touch the stars?
c. What can change the world?


a.     Yes, the speaker is a student.

b.     The speaker can touch the stars if he stands on his toes.

c.      Words might can change the world.

Reading I (page 155)

Look at the picture and answer these questions.
a. What do you think is happening in the picture?
b. Do you think it is good or bad for the environment? Why?


a.     I think the forest is on the fire.

b.     It is bad for the environment because it makes climate change which creates bad impact on the health of the earth's plants and animals.

A. Write the words from the text for these meanings. The first letter has
been given.
a. a slow-moving mass or river of ice, formed from snow on mountains
b. all the time; repeatedly          C ..................
c. a scale of measuring temperature     F ..................
d. a period of hundred years      C..................
e. the quality of being very great; very strong         I ..................
f. a violent storm with very strong winds                H ..................
g. the mixture of gases that surrounds the earth       A ..................
h. a structure made of glass which is used to grow plants           G ..................
i. an electronic device sent into space to gather information S ..................



a.     Glacier

b.     Continuously

c.      Fahrenheit

d.     Century

e.      Intensity

f.       Hurricane

g.     Atmosphere

h.     Greenhouse

i.       Satellite

B. Decide whether the following statements are True or False.
a. Glaciers are found high in the Himalayas.
b. Climate change is a global issue.
c. The effect of climate change is not seen in the seas.
d. Climate change indirectly affects human being.
e. Human activities are likely to increase more change in the climate.
f. Production of carbon dioxide in the USA may cause the melting of
snow in our Himalayas.


a.     True

b.     True

c.      False

d.     True

e.      True

C. Answer these questions.

a. What is global climate change ?

b. List the negative effects of global climate change?

c. When did climate change start?

d. What humans activites are affecting Earth's natural green house?

e. What are the components of the global climate?

f. Which organisation is conducting the research about climate change and its effects ?



a.     Global climate change is refers to the average long term changes throughout the earth.

b.     The negative effects of global climate changes are changes in rainfall, rising sea levels, decreasing mountain glaciers, ice melting and changes in flower and plant blooming times.

c.      Climate changed started  even long before humans came into the earth.

d.     Human activites- such as burning fuel in factories, cars and buses are affecting earth's natural green house.

e.      The components of the global climate are rainfall, rising sea levels, decreasing mountain glaciers, ice- melting etc

f.       NASA's earth observing satellites organisation is conducting the research about climate change and its effects.


B. Choose the correct alternatives from the brackets to complete the sentences.
a. I think our team ...... the match this year. (will win / will have won)
b. By 11 pm tonight, she ............ writing the report. (will have finished / will finish)
c. If I finish this task early, I ...... TV. (will have watched / will watch)
d. They say it ............ heavily tomorrow. (will rain / will have rained)
e. ............ fine tomorrow? (Will the weather have been / Will the weather be)
f. They ............ here by 10 tomorrow. (will arrive / will have arrived)
g. I ............ Paris by the end of July next year. (will have visited / will visit)
h. I'm sorry. I ............ you this time. I'm busy. (will not have helped / won't help)


a.     will win

b.     will have finished

c.      will watch

d.     will rain

e.      will the weather be

f.       will have arrived

g.     will have visited

h.     won't help

C. Make two sentences using the clues given below.
Example: complete home work
I will complete my homework soon.
I will have completed my homework by 8 pm.

a.     Take bath

I will take a bath soon.

I will have taken a bath by 10 a.m.

b.     Watch TV

I will watch TV tomorrow.

I will have watched TV by tomorrow.

c.      Go shopping

I will go shopping tomorrow.

I will have gone shopping by tomorrow.

d.     Call my parents

I will call my parents soon.

I will have called my parents by 7 pm.

(My special thanks to Kanchan Chaudhary from Kankali Secondary School for preparing this material.)

For unit 14 CLICK HERE.

For remaining exercises CLICK HERE.

For Contents CLICK HERE.

For unit sixteen CLICK HERE.

Other notes

For class 6 CLICK HERE.

For unit 9 CLICK HERE.

For class 11 CLICK HERE.

For class 12 CLICK HERE


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